Frequently Asked Questions

The University of Miami is widely recognized as one of America’s great research universities. By presenting a bold and unified image as outlined in our Visual Identity Manual, we can capitalize on the power of our unique brand.
Does the visual identity program just involve a logo?

The heart of the new identity system is the University’s split-U mark, which is the most widely recognized logo associated with the University of Miami. Indeed, the split-U is one of the most recognizable collegiate marks nationally and may well be the most ubiquitous graphic symbol throughout South Florida.

In addition to the new logo, the visual identity system manages the use of other key graphic elements, including color, type font, and layout.

Does this effort involve the entire University?

The visual identity system is to be used on all marketing materials such as brochures, magazines, letterhead, and business cards produced by units throughout the University and adapted to a full range of other uses, ranging from websites, to t-shirts and notebooks.

What are the guidelines for the use of the new system and its elements?

Adherence to the visual identity guidelines is vital to ensure the University of Miami is represented in a uniform and consistent fashion.

When should the primary signature be used? What about the informal signature?

The primary University of Miami signature is the most basic and commonly used element of the Miami visual identity. Using specific templates, customized signatures for individual colleges, schools, centers, and institutes are created by integrating the name of the unit with the University of Miami signature as outlined in the Visual Identity Manual.

The informal signature is for use on the web and on casual applications, such as merchandise and apparel. The informal signature may not be modified in any way.

What office coordinates the visual identity system?

University Communications coordinates the use of the system and makes logo signatures available to the University community. Call 305-284-5500 for more information about the logo and its use, or e-mail

