This University of Miami Editorial Style Guide specifies the University’s standards for internal and external written communications. The guide will maintain consistency and accuracy for promotional and informational material—which in turn presents a high-caliber, professional portrayal of the University.
The primary sources used for editorial style for the University should be “The Associated Press Stylebook” and “Merriam-Webster Dictionary.” This University of Miami Editorial Style Guide supplements the aforementioned. Sometimes, a listing will supersede an AP rule simply because it works better for our usage and adheres to University policy. This manual is not meant to be comprehensive. However, we hope it helps to maintain a clear and consistent voice for the entire University and foster polished written copy.
The University’s Visual Identity Manual provides guidelines for usage of the official logos, marks, and other elements in the visual identity system, and the Visual Identity for Web and Digital Materials provides essential information for officially branded webpages, mobile apps, and digital signage. All are important tools to reinforce the University’s message and advance its global presence.
To make the University of Miami Editorial Style Guide easy to navigate, all entries are listed alphabetically. Some are cross-referenced. Additional resources included are:
For additional information, or to submit questions or suggestions, please contact Maggie Cayón, university editor, at
Abbreviations and Acronyms | Academic and Alumni Degrees | Accreditation | Addresses | Advisor | A.M., P.M. | America | Ampersands | Apostrophes | B.A. not A.B. | Canes | Capitalization | Capitalization and Titles | Captions and Cutlines | Cities and States | Colons | Commas | Compose, Comprise | Computer Terminology | Courtesy Titles | Disability | Doctor/Dr. | Doctoral Degree or Doctorate | Due to | Ellipsis (...) | El Niño, La Niña | Em (—) and En (–) Dashes, and Hyphens | Email | Email Address | Emigrant/Emigrate | Faculty | Farther, Further | Foreign Words | Freshman | Front Line (n.)/Front-line(adj.) | Fundraising, Fundraiser | Headlines | Hyphens | Immigrant/Immigrate | Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine | Livestream | Magazine and Newspaper Names | M.B.A. | Migrant | More Than vs. Over | Nondiscrimination | Numbers | Parallelism | Past Tense | Percent | Periods | Preposition at the End of a Sentence | Quotation Marks | Race and Ethnicity | School | Seasons | Semicolons | Serial or Oxford Comma | Startup | Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center | Telephone Numbers | Theater | Time | Titles | UHealth – University of Miami Health System | United States | University of Miami | Visual Style | Web Addresses | Webinar | Zoom
Active and Passive Voice | Clear and Concise Writing | How to Write Good Headlines, Captions, and Cutlines | University of Miami Schools and Colleges
In general, abbreviations should be used sparingly or avoided entirely, including the abbreviation UM. Never use U.M., U. of M., UofM, U/M, or U-M. Use University of Miami or University. Use of the U is acceptable in certain situations.
Scholarly abbreviations should be used only in footnotes or bibliographies. Abbreviations of parts of a book, article, or series of books should be in lowercase.
Abbreviate familiar governmental divisions, agencies, unions, and associations. Use capital letters, omit periods, and do not insert a space between letters. Avoid in headlines, except those that are widely recognizable. Use periods in most two-letter abbreviations: U.S., U.N., U.K., B.S., B.A., M.D.
Avoid abbreviations that are unclear or awkward.
In some instances, years may be abbreviated by the last two digits preceded by a smart apostrophe (not the opening single quotation mark). Decades should be written with four numerals and no apostrophe before the pluralizing s or spelled out and lowercased. The first through ninth centuries should be spelled out and lowercased; others may use numerals.
Be formal when referring to named units that are part of the University. Many buildings, laboratories, auditoriums, courtyards, endowed chairs, lecture series, etc., are named for individuals, foundations, or corporations whose contributions helped make them possible. Always use the full name on first reference; an official shortened version may be used on second reference, as indicated in the following list.
These colleges or schools that have approved shortened versions for second reference are the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine; the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science; the Phillip and Patricia Frost School of Music; and the University of Miami Patti and Allan Herbert Business School.
All other schools and colleges do not have shortened versions; however, University of Miami can be used preceding the name of the school or college as first reference and for second reference, the full name of school or college. University of Miami School of Architecture; second reference: School of Architecture.
The approved references for the University’s four campuses include:
University of Miami athletics teams, faculty and staff members, students, alumni, and all members of the University family are nicknamed Hurricanes. Canes (with no apostrophe) can be used instead or on second reference for all usage.
’Canes with a smart apostrophe and the first letter capitalized is used for registered names using the same:
An acronym should follow the term it stands for, and it should be placed in parentheses. The initials can be used alone only after the first reference. Use capital letters, omit periods, and do not insert a space between letters. If used as possessive, the ‘s should be outside the parenthesis.
Abbreviate and capitalize academic degrees, according to proper editorial style. Use periods and no spaces in abbreviations. Use the degree after the name sparingly, only when it provides more pertinent information or when credentials are necessary (like when alumni are listed in Miami magazine). Note that, unlike AP, we use periods in M.B.A.
Include both degree and the graduation year to indicate University of Miami alumni where appropriate or as part of a publication’s style, such as Miami magazine. Include a space between the degree and year, and use a smart apostrophe, not a single quote, before the year. When used in a sentence, offset with commas, not parentheses.
Also see capitalizations.
The accreditation statement should appear in material promoting the University and its academic programs. It should be used verbatim as listed.
Follow AP’s rule for addresses where Ave., Blvd., and St. are abbreviated only with numbered address. Always spell out other similar words (drive, road, terrace, alley, circle, etc.). Always use figures for an address number.
Do not abbreviate the names of cities, states, or countries in text. An exception is when cities include St. as an abbreviation for Saint. Spell out state names, unless a state is being listed for mailing purposes (on a postcard or envelope).
This style and sequence should be used for addresses:
ZIP codes used with street addresses for delivery of overnight mail and/or packages are as follows:
(Exceptions to the aforementioned apply to business reply mail, which must be prepared according to specifications set by the U.S. Postal Service.)
Differing from AP style, use advisor, not adviser.
Abbreviate and lowercase a.m. and p.m. Use periods but no spaces. Avoid redundancies, like 8 p.m. this evening. Use figures except for noon and midnight. Don’t use 00 for the top of the hour.
Also see numbers.
Use United States when referring to the United States of America. The use of America usually refers to North America, South America, and Central America.
Use an ampersand (&) only when it is part of the correct corporate or organizational title. Never use an ampersand instead of the word and in text or in lists. While ampersands are included as a design element in University of Miami unit signatures (logos), they are not part of the official name of any University school, college, or unit and must never be included in text.
No apostrophe is used with dates or when forming plurals of acronyms.
When using an apostrophe, be sure to use a smart apostrophe, which has a clockwise curve at the bottom.
The University confers the Bachelor of Arts degree, represented as B.A. and not A.B., when indicating alumni with this degree.
Canes (with no apostrophe) can be used on first and second reference for all usages; an exception is for names/programs registered using ’Canes.
’Canes with a smart apostrophe and the first letter capitalized is used for registered names using the same:
See abbreviations.
Use capitals for the degree title but not for the subject; an exception is when the subject is part of the formal degree title or is a proper noun.
No capitals are used when academic degrees are referred to in general terms such as doctorate, bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree. And it’s doctoral degree or doctorate but not doctorate degree or doctoral.
Excessive use of capital letters should be avoided. Capitalize an official name but not part of a name.
Use capital letters for committee names, organization names, endowed chairs, centers, institutes, etc. Always use the full name on first reference; an official shortened version may be used on second reference.
When referring to the University of Miami on second reference, the word University is capitalized even when used alone. Do not capitalize university when referring to universities in general or to a specific university that is not the University of Miami. Do not capitalize school or college on second reference, even if it is a University of Miami school or college.
Use capital letters for a course of study or subject only when it is the proper name of the course or when the subject includes a proper noun. No quotation marks are used for course titles.
Per AP style, a, the, but, and other articles and junction words—as well as prepositions with fewer than four letters—are capitalized only at the beginning or end of a title.
Capitalize and place in quotes the titles of books, movies, plays, poems, albums, songs, operas, radio and television programs, lectures, speeches, and works of art. Exceptions: Do not use quotation marks around the Bible, the Quran, and other holy books, and books that are primarily catalogs of reference materials, almanacs, dictionaries, handbooks and similar publications.
In general, capitalize a complete sentence or thought following a colon; lowercase a series or phrase.
Use capitals for a title preceding a name but not for one following a name. In general, use the person’s name first, and follow with the title. Capitalize formal/honorific titles preceding a name, lowercase job descriptions preceding a name, and lowercase titles following name. When in doubt, rewrite the sentence to place title following name.
Use capitals for named professorships and fellowships when it is part of the official name. Otherwise, scholar and fellow are lowercased.
Refer to Florida or the state; lowercase state except when used to denote the official governing body.
Use capital letters and no apostrophe for Continuing Education Units.
Use lowercase for seasons of the year. Uppercase when tied to a specific academic semester accompanied by a year.
When identifying subjects in photographs, set off locators with commas. Never use parentheses.
Also, see How to Write Good Headlines, Captions, and Cutlines.
See addresses.
Do not use a colon before a listing when the lead-in ends with a verb. Use a colon before a listing when its preceding clause or words constitute a complete sentence.
Yes, we use the Oxford or serial comma at the University of Miami. Use commas in a series of three or more; a comma should be placed after the next-to-last element in the series.
Use a comma between the two independent clauses of a compound sentence. A comma precedes the coordinating conjunctions for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so (FANBOYS) if the second half of the sentence contains its own subject, verb, and object.
Use commas after introductory elements, interjections, and direct addresses.
Do not use commas after short, introductory adverbial phrases.
Use a comma between the day and year in dates. Use a comma after the year for dates in sentences.
When a city and state or city and country are used in text, use a comma between the two and following the state or country.
No commas are used between month and year or between season and year.
Do not use a comma before Jr. and Sr. when part of an individual’s formal name.
Use a comma in numbers of 1,000 or more.
Comprise means contain, while compose means make up. Therefore, when describing the elements within an entity, use is composed of or comprises. Never use the phrase is comprised of. These sentences use the phrases correctly:
Use computer terms properly and consistently. Examples of commonly used terms follow.
Use the phrase “log on to” (not “log onto”) to direct readers to a website. While we do not use the complete URL, websites mentioned should be hyperlinked within all online publications.
or simply say
Never use a courtesy title and degree together.
We use Dr. for medical degrees in all news stories; never for Ph.D. This follows AP style.
Separate the person from the disability and recognize that persons with disabilities have rights, among them the right to privacy.
Treat persons with disabilities with respect in publications and avoid stereotyping persons by occupation or attribute.
As AP states, “Use care and precision, considering the impact of specific words and the terms used by the people you are writing about. When possible, ask people how they want to be described. Avoid writing that implies ableism: the belief that abilities of people who aren’t disabled are superior.”
We use Dr. for medical degrees in all news stories; never for Ph.D. This follows AP style.
See courtesy titles.
Use doctoral degree or doctorate but not doctorate degree or doctoral.
Use this phrase after a form of the verb to be.
Use an ellipsis to indicate a missing word or words. It should consist of a space, three dots, and another space. Do not use ellipses at the beginning or end of direct quotes. Try to avoid using an ellipsis as a “trailing off” from a phrase.
That said, we should avoid the use of ellipsis whenever possible. This tells the reader something is missing. It makes them question what has been withheld, and wonder why, rather than focus on what is before them in the story.
Unlike AP, University uses El Niño and La Niña with the ñ
The AP Stylebook refers to the em, or long dash, as just a dash. It is used to indicate a pause in a sentence or set off a series. An em dash also is used for attribution at the end of quotations. It can be used instead of bullets in a list, instead of a parenthesis, or to replace a colon. An em dash is as wide as the capital letter “M”—hence its name. While the AP puts a space before and after its use of the em dash, the University of Miami does not use spaces around the em dash.
As per AP style, the University does not use en dashes. The en dash is about the width of a capital “N.” Exception is when writing: UHealth – University of Miami Health System.
A hyphen is used to indicate a range in numbers and dates and used as joiners for compound modifiers, compound word, or to split a word at the end of a line. It is smaller than both an en dash and an em dash.
See hyphens.
Email is one word, so is esports, but e-book, e-reader, and e-commerce are hyphenated.
Email addresses are in plain text—no underlines and no italics.
See immigrant/immigrate.
A faculty is a collective body of professors or lecturers. When referring to an individual professor or lecturer it should be faculty member (singular).
Singular: faculty—one group entity; faculty member—one person
Plural: faculties—more than one faculty; faculty members—more than one person (but not the entire group)
Farther is distance. Further is extension of time or degree.
Use additional when referring to information.
Follow AP style: If such a word or phrase is needed, place it in quotation marks and provide an explanation: “ad astra per aspera,” a Latin phrase meaning “to the stars through difficulty.” Do not use quotation marks or italics for familiar foreign words like ad hoc, ad lib, in vitro, and cum laude.
Use the term first-year student instead of freshman to be more gender inclusive.
We follow AP’s style on this word.
In University usage, the words fundraising and fundraiser are one word; do not require a hyphen.
Generally, we capitalize the first word and proper nouns only. Also, capitalize the first word after a colon. Use single quotes. Headline styles may differ among University publications—headlines for news stories should be in sentence case; headlines for magazines, in title case.
Use only universally recognizable abbreviations, NO PERIODS
Use numerals in headlines, spell out ordinals under 10: first, ninth; 10th, 50th
Also, see How to Write Good Headlines, Captions, and Cutlines.
Use hyphens as joiners for compound modifiers, compound words, or to split a word at the end of a line and for ranges. Consult the dictionary to confirm hyphenation. In general, avoid the use of hyphens unless the result is awkward or confusing.
Consult the dictionary to avoid common spelling errors in compound words.
Hyphens are used when the base word begins with a capital letter.
Never break a hyphenated word in another place.
Do not allow a single letter of a word to stand alone at the beginning or end of a line. Enter a hard return and force the entire word to the next line.
Hyphenate when the meaning varies with the absence of punctuation.
Use a hyphen for first-professional or when referring to levels of residency or enrollment.
Hyphenate compound adjectives before a noun. Do not hyphenate compound adjectives when the first word ends in ly.
We adhere to the AP’s style rules. One who enters a country is an immigrant who immigrates into it. And, one who leaves a country is an emigrant who emigrates from it. The term migrant is usually used for people who move within a single country for work. Helpful hint: an “i”mmigrant goes “i”nto a country and an “e”migrant “e”xits a country.
See abbreviations.
Use as one word.
Do not use quotation marks or italics for magazine and newspaper names. Use initial caps and cap the and magazine only if the words are part of the official name.
Unlike AP, we use periods.
See immigrant/immigrate.
Use more than to refer to an amount. Over refers to direction.
The University of Miami’s publications should stand up to scrutiny from the perspective of women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, veterans, or any other person whose employment rights are guaranteed by the law. Equal respect and a balanced representation should be given in visual media to gender, race, ethnic group, age, sexual orientation, and ability.
All promotional materials distributed to individuals outside the University community must contain a statement reflecting the University’s policy on affirmative action: “An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.”
The following is the University of Miami’s nondiscrimination statement. It should appear in material promoting the University’s academic and athletic programs.
Spell out numbers one through nine except in statistical matter. Use figures for 10 and above. This also applies to ordinal numbers, which should not use superscript.
If used at the beginning of a sentence, all numbers are spelled out. When possible, avoid beginning a sentence with a number.
Do not abbreviate years in the 21st century.
Use numbers for parts of a book and for people’s ages.
Always use numbers for time of day, except noon and midnight. Periods are used in a.m. and p.m. Avoid redundancy.
When making a reference to time, do not use zeros for the hour in text. An exception may be made when times are used in tabulation.
Spell out decades.
Use figures to precede academic credits in catalog course descriptions. Use figures to precede academic credits in text.
Use figures for phone numbers. Area code is separated by a hyphen, not by parentheses. If an extension is needed, use a comma to separate the main number from the extension, and abbreviate the word.
Also see telephone numbers.
In citing percentages or millions of dollars, use the figure followed by percent or million spelled out. Remember that percentage is the word to use when no figure is cited. Additionally, do not split the numeral from percent or million on a line or page. Spell out percent unless using tabular material, then the % sign can be used.
Use of the abbreviation No. plus a numeral is acceptable to denote ranking, both in text and headlines.
When you have a series of phrases in a row, the verbal constructions must be parallel. They must correspond in grammatical structure, sound, and meter.
Incorrect: She likes swimming, playing volleyball, and to cook Asian food. (The first two words use gerunds, or "ing" verbs, and the last one does not.)
Correct: She likes swimming, playing volleyball, and cooking Asian food.
Incorrect: I looked for the missing gift cards in the sock drawer, the nightstand, the utility closet, and under the bed. (In this sentence prepositions are needed with every element.)
Correct: I looked for the missing gift cards in the sock drawer, in the nightstand, in the utility closet, and under the bed.
News stories should be written in the past tense. While this is not a rigid rule, the most important thing is to not switch between tenses.
Unlike AP, we spell out percent in text and headlines, unless using tabular material, then % can be used.
See numbers.
Always use the period inside quotation marks, single and double quotes. Use the period inside parentheses or brackets when the matter enclosed is an independent sentence forming no part of the preceding sentence; otherwise, the period goes outside. Use a single space after a period at the end of a sentence.
Use periods after abbreviated degrees and dual degrees.
Do not use periods after acronyms or broadcasting stations, unless used at the end of a sentence.
While it is now acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition, make your writing more powerful by using stronger words to complete your thought. Rephrase, if possible.
Use quotation marks for most composition titles, including books, movies, television shows, and works of art.
Do not use quotation marks for course titles.
Magazine and newspaper titles do not receive quotation marks.
Avoid words, images, and situations that suggest that all or most members of a racial or ethnic group are the same.
Avoid using qualifiers that reinforce racial and ethnic stereotypes. Avoid using ethnic clichés.
Be aware of possible negative implications of color-symbolic words. Choose language and usage that do not offend people or reinforce bias. Avoid the term non-white.
Be aware of language that, to some, has questionable racial or ethnic connotations. Avoid patronizing and tokenism toward any racial or ethnic group.
Review visual and written material to see if all groups are fairly represented.
See capitalization and titles.
The seasons are lowercased but uppercase when tied to a specific academic semester accompanied by a year.
Use a semicolon to separate listings of phrases that contain commas.
Use a semicolon to join main clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction.
See commas.
Per AP, we do not use a hyphen when referring to a new business venture.
In all mentions of Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, “Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center” must precede the University of Miami or any of its departments, divisions, or other entities. On first mention, write “Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center;” on subsequent mentions use “Sylvester.” Never say UM/Sylvester or the Miller School of Medicine’s Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. If the content is about research, refer to the center on first reference as “Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.” If the content is related to clinical services, refer to it as “Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of the University of Miami Health System.”
Use the figures only, without the word “phone” preceding them. Area code is not enclosed in parentheses but is followed by a hyphen.
An exception to the previous rule is when both the telephone number and the fax number are given. Use the following format for such instances. Do not abbreviate the word phone.
Use the entire seven digits of the phone number plus the three-digit area code. Do not abbreviate the full seven digits with the internal shortcut denoted by extension or the abbreviation ext.
Per AP style, use this spelling unless the proper name of the venue or program includes the word “theatre.”
See numbers.
See courtesy titles and capitalization and titles.
UHealth – University of Miami Health System is South Florida’s only university-based medical system and includes three inpatient facilities—Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, UHealth Tower, and Bascom Palmer Eye Institute—and more than 30 outpatient sites in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Collier counties, including The Lennar Foundation Medical Center on the University’s Coral Gables Campus. Use full title on first reference, with an en dash and spaces before and after. Use UHealth on subsequent references.
When United States is used as an adjective, it may be abbreviated and should have periods, except in headlines. Otherwise, it should be spelled out on first reference. U.S. in texts; US (no periods) in headlines
Spell out the full name on first reference. Use University (with an uppercase “U” when referring only to our institution) in subsequent references. Avoid using UM. Use of the U is permissible, sparingly and in informal situations.
When referring to the University of Miami on second reference, the word University is capitalized even when used alone. Do not capitalize university when referring to universities in general.
When using together with a school or college, University of Miami is not possessive.
Not University of Miami’s College of Arts and Sciences
Not University of Miami’s School of Communication
The University of Miami Visual Identity Manual provides specific guidelines and standards for the system in all forms of University communication. Adherence to these guidelines is vital for the University to be represented in a uniform and consistent fashion.
Visit for additional information on our visual identity.
Web addresses are listed in plain text, and when the text breaks to the next line, do not add a hyphen. Rearrange the sentence, if possible, so the address stays on one line.
When citing web addresses in University material, www and http:// are usually no longer needed. However, always check to make sure the web address works without the www and the http://.
To prevent periods at the end of a web address in call-to-action statements, place the address in the beginning or middle.
No need to use online. All webinars are online.
Unless referring specifically to Zoom, which is a trademarked video online platform, use generic terms like videoconference or teleconference.
Create clearer, more concise sentences by using the active voice, in which the subject performs the action stated by the verb. In passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb.
Passive voice sentences tend to be wordy and vague but can be useful in some situations—such as formal or scientific writing. Passive voice is also appropriate when the “doer” is unknown: The house was built in 2013.
It is important when you write (and when you edit) to be clear and concise. Writing that is too wordy and jumbled is confusing. In addition, many grammar problems are often caused by clutter.
Look to write concisely and make sure a sentence flows seamlessly.
Another way to tighten is to eliminate words that don’t do their share of work. Some examples are “there is,” “there are,” or “it is.”
In addition, many “to be” verbs can be replaced by stronger verbs.
Another good rule is to avoid multiple modifiers in front of nouns.
Avoid redundancy.
To write a good headline remember the four “U’’s:
You can rarely accomplish all four of the aforementioned in a single headline. But, if you can at least include two, your headline will draw your reader’s attention. Also, remember:
Interesting Facts
If possible, include a subject or doer and a verb in your headline. Although, your headline does not have to be a sentence and can sometimes take a “label” or “question” style.
Instead: Researcher addresses why big numbers boggle the mind
Instead: Scientist takes a closer look at the genome
Instead: Lauren Book speaks out to prevent sexual abuse
While a “caption” is a heading or title for a photograph that leads into the “cutline,” which is its explanation, the words often are used interchangeably. Here, we will use the word “caption’’ to define any description of photographs or graphics.
Most captions draw attention to something in the image that is not obvious, such as its relevance to the text. They can consist of a few words or several sentences. But try to avoid lengthy captions. Writing that is clear, crisp, and concise is best. Along with the headline, the lead, section headings, and captions are the most commonly read words in an article.
There are several criteria for a good caption. A good caption: